Should You Hire A Beauty Broker?
From The next big thing in beauty? Hiring your own cosmetic coach. Beauty brokers create anti-ageing game plans, help you skip surgeon’s waiting lists.
My Story
So here’s the thing I’m 47 and I don’t want to look 27. I just want to look fresh, natural and really great for my age. I believe in the type of beauty that expresses us as individuals; quirks are cute but saggy jowls, cellulite and sun spots most definitely aren’t. I believe the trick to making the most of your looks with cosmetic procedures is knowing when to start, who to see and when to stop and I am here to negotiate that minefield for you.
Founded by Olivia Falcon co-founder of Spectacle Skincare, the former beauty director of Tatler and architect of both Tatler’s Cosmetic Surgery Guide and Bride’s Cosmetic Beauty Guide. This top-to-toe service covers everything from the latest facelift and body countouring techniques, laser and injectable treatments to SOS spot zapping services and bathroom shelf edits. With a focus on a warm and discreet service, The Editor’s List takes the guesswork out of finding the safest hands and most skilled practitioners.
Olivia says
‘Cosmetic procedures and anti-aging medicine are my specialist subject. For the past 15 years, I have been in the very fortunate position of having a front row seat to watch this industry evolve. I have spent over a decade researching, double and triple checking credentials, gowning up to watch surgeries, snooping in clinics, eyeballing staff and personally road testing all manner of treatments myself to uncover the safest and most effective procedures on the market. I know what works and equally importantly, what doesn’t. Sadly, very often people get it wrong and have quite literally been burnt by uninformed choices. My aim is to listen to your concerns and give you a structured game plan of how to achieve your beauty goals with minimum fuss and downtime.’
My service is as individual as you are. My goal? I want you to feel fantastic in your own skin.