Consultation services

The Hundred Pound Question

  • Got one burning beauty question that has you scratching your head? A ten minute phone call to solve your single dilemma, with a recommendation and booking.
  • One referral only.


Fast tracking

  • Know where you want to go and who to see but the waiting list is too long? Let us help you get ahead of the queue.
  • One booking only.


Zoom/Online Consultation

  • A one-hour chat through your concerns and future goals.
  • Independent, expert advice on the very latest surgical and non-surgical procedures, highlighting the upsides and downtime of every option and common pitfalls to avoid.
  • Detailed recommendations laid out in a personalised plan of the very best cosmetic surgeons, doctors and beauty therapists.


  • Booking of all first appointments with practitioners to suit your schedule.


The Bathroom Shelf Edit

  • Telephone or Zoom call to discuss your current skincare routine and skin concerns.
  • Detailed written report with recommendations on new products and treatments to brighten and boost your complexion.
  • House calls also available for an extra charge.

From £200

1hr Face-to-Face Consultation

  • Initial one hour meeting to pinpoint your concerns and goals at your home or any location that suits you within London and the M25.
  • Independent, expert advice on the very latest surgical and non-surgical procedures, highlighting the upsides and downtime of every option and common pitfalls to avoid.
  • Detailed recommendations of the very best cosmetic surgeons, doctors and beauty therapists, followed up with a written personalized plan. Olivia will also accompany you to up to three appointments.


Platinum Hand Holding Service

  • Initial one hour meeting to pinpoint your concerns and goals.
  • Independent, expert advice on the very latest surgical and non-surgical procedures, highlighting the upsides and downtime of every option.
  • Detailed recommendations of the very best cosmetic surgeons, doctors and beauty therapists.
  • Bathroom shelf edit with suggestions of how to turbo charge your skincare routine to optimize your procedure result.
  • A written personalized plan of action.
  • Booking of first appointment with a practitioner of your choice– often fast tracking long waiting lists.
  • Accompanied visit to your chosen practitioner.
  • Follow up home or hospital visit with holistic recovery kit and advice on maintaining the best results.

From £2,000

Online makeup consult with Mary Greenwell

Stuck in a makeup rut? The Editor’s List is thrilled to have exclusive access to one of the worlds top makeup artists, Mary Greenwell.
Mary has a glittering 25 year career consulting for the best loved makeup brands and her clients include some of the most iconic faces of our time; from Diana, Princess of Wales, Cate Blanchett, Naomi Campbell to Lily James and Amanda Seyfried. During your one hour with Mary, she will advise on the best makeup for your skin type and texture, take a look through your makeup bag to advise how things could be improved and give you a detailed one to one tutorial on a day and a night look just for you.


Bespoke Service

  • For bespoke services that may require more time, Olivia is also available to travel abroad.

Price upon consultation