1hr Face-to-Face Consultation


  • Initial one hour meeting to pinpoint your concerns and goals.
  • Independent, expert advice on the very latest surgical and non-surgical procedures, highlighting the upsides and downtime of every option and common pitfalls to avoid.
  • Detailed recommendations of the very best cosmetic surgeons, doctors and beauty therapists, followed up with a written personalized plan.
  • Booking of first appointment with practitioner– often fast tracking long waiting lists.


  • Initial one hour meeting to pinpoint your concerns and goals.
  • Independent, expert advice on the very latest surgical and non-surgical procedures, highlighting the upsides and downtime of every option and common pitfalls to avoid.
  • Detailed recommendations of the very best cosmetic surgeons, doctors and beauty therapists, followed up with a written personalized plan.
  • Booking of first appointment with practitioner– often fast tracking long waiting lists.